Simple Simplicity…

In the still of the night whispers echo through the empty alleyways as shadows dance against the flickering streetlights creating a symphony of silence. Each step taken is a beat in this rhythm echoing through the stone walls and cobblestone streets. We move with purpose, guided by the glow of the moon and the secrets it holds. Under stars canopy we wander, exploring the unknown and unafraid of what lies ahead. The city sleeps but we remain wide awake embracing the mystery of the night. We are the rulers of this darkness and the guardians of the night. We are the ones who reign over this city.

As the world spins, we stand still, captivated by the beauty that surrounds us. The moons above remind us of our place in the universe small and insignificant yet connected to something much greater. We are but a speck in the vastness of space but together, we shine bright like the sun. In this city of wonder, we are the masters of our own destiny. We navigate through these stormy seas of life, with grace and determination. Our homes may be humble, but our spirits are strong for we are the kings and queens of these streets, and this city is our kingdom.

Well, I’ve walked these streets
In a spectacle of wealth and poverty
In the diamond markets the scarlet welcome carpet
That they just rolled out for me.

And I’ve walked these streets
In the madhouse asylum they can be
Where a wild-eyed misfit prophet
On a traffic island stopped and he raved of saving me.

Have I been blind, have I been lost
Inside myself and my own mind
Hypnotized, mesmerized by what my eyes have seen.

Have I been wrong, have I been wise
To shut my eyes and play along
Hypnotized, paralyzed by what my eyes have found
By what my eyes have seen
What they have seen?

Have I been blind
Have I been lost
Have I been wrong
Have I been wise
Have I been strong
Have I been hypnotized, mesmerized by what my eyes have found
In that great street carnival”…by Natalie Merchant

We dance through the shadows painting the town red as our laughter echoes off the ancient walls of this city that never sleeps. The wind whispers secrets of the past and the future as we wander through the maze of alleyways and cobblestone streets. The stars above twinkle—in approval of our reign as we rule this kingdom with hearts of fire and ice.

The collisions of our dreams create sparks that light up the night and guide us on our path toward greatness and glory. We raise a toast to the gods of the night and pledge our allegiance to our city that never dies. We are the rulers of this domain, the lords and ladies of the night and nothing can stand in our way if we hold onto each other and never let go.

In the shadows we thrive, and, in the whispers, we scheme, and our hearts beat with the rhythm of the night. We are the rebels, the renegades and the outcasts who rule the dark corners of this world. Our laughter echoes through the alleyways and our footsteps silent on the cobblestone streets. The city is our playground, our stage for mischief and mayhem. We dance in the flickering streetlights, our faces masked in shadows. We are the masters of deception, the architects of chaos.

As the moon rises high in the sky, we raise our voices in a wild symphony of defiance. We are the rulers of the night, the kings, and queens of this dark domain. And as the world spins on, we stand tall, unyielding in our defiance, unwavering in our resolve. For this city is ours, and we will fight to keep it that way. In the darkness, we reign supreme, a force to be reckoned with. And as the night falls and the darkness creeps in, we know that we are forever bound to these streets, these alleyways, this city that we call home.

The night is alive with whispers and shadows, as the moonlight casts its silvery glow upon the world. The stars twinkle in the velvet sky, like diamonds scattered across the heavens. The wind whispers secrets in the trees, and the earth sighs beneath our feet. This is a time of magic and mystery, where the veil between the worlds is thin, and anything is possible. We are but drops in the vast ocean of existence, flowing and swirling with the currents of time. We are shaped by the tides of fate and carried along on the winds of destiny. Yet, in the stillness of the night, we can find solace and peace, a moment of respite from the chaos of the world.

So, let us embrace the darkness and welcome the night with open arms. Let us dance with the spirits and sing with the stars. For in the darkness, we find the light, and in the night, we find our true selves. And so, we raise our voices to the heavens, and offer our gratitude to the gods and goddesses who watch over us. For in the darkness of the night, we find our own inner light, shining bright and true.

‘Wishing you Days of Gentle Winds and Soft Curves and Wonder’

And!Beautiful you are…

‘Because The Night’ Performed by Shirley Manson & Marissa Paternoster



Towering figures make their way up the stairs, surrounded by the commotion below, as the currents of wealth and power ebb and flow around them. Rumors of political games and changing loyalties reverberate through the halls of authority, where facts are bent and obscured. In this turbulent atmosphere, where language takes on a poetic cadence, the thirst for knowledge endures. During ambiguity, the journey for riches and status gives rise to moments of contemplation, while the pursuit of purpose and identity remains steadfast.

Touch me with Singsongs and let us escape from reality and connect through the power of our voices. We crave words of optimism and expressions of eternal love, as we sway in the darkness to the beat of our shared emotions. Our thoughts synchronize like a melody, our hearts beating in perfect harmony.

Demons and Angels move in the same intricate dance, one rising while the other falls, climbing stairs and navigating through a world of uncertainty and deception. They speak truths and lies, blending reality with fiction. The truth may seem plain, but it is often overshadowed by the allure of entertaining creations and confusing illusions. Believe in the honesty of some, the deceit of others, and the manipulation of politics. Embrace the uncertainty of fate and the temporary satisfaction of material possessions. As we continue our journey, we must be prepared for both failure and success, constantly seeking out new experiences and challenges.

Gently brush eyelashes against my face, creating a delicate dance in my dreams. It feels like a long pause with no explanation, just breathing in sync with each other. I see tiny freckles, laughing lips, and inquisitive eyes coming together. The visions and soft words create a peaceful space, free from any competition or rush, filled with silence and whispers. As dreams come and go, wrinkles in time form like drawn curtains and the pace slows. We talk about the ways of the universe, admiring the streaks of starlight and the sweetness of gentle connections and love. Life intertwines and blends together, like intertwining circles and fancy footwork in a dance of love.

We are inhabitants of the emerald seas, intertwined with the black sands and tides that struggle against the current. Under the perfect alignment of the moonlight, we traverse another peaceful night untouched by dust. The Witch of Creation weaves perfect ideals and actions, twisting truth and dispelling falsehoods. To endure the night and emerge into a new day, we rely on fire and shelter in the caves. The challenges of today will shape tomorrow’s constraints under the light of a new dawn.

Freedom grieves. How many barriers separate the hopes of hearts and the unity of families? Barriers of fear and tears that stain and linger as trains travel under the sun’s path across the wind, towards a better future echoing through the faded borders towards improved moments and brighter days. Does the notion of absolute truth dismiss the role of government in providing opportunities and embracing progress that may lead to entitlements being recognized as the rights of the people? Why do the standards of human rights seem to vanish?

Ages past we became sponges; gifted and gregarious and bowed through insight and anchored to two worlds, one frightful and one enchanted. We are filled-to-edge with truth and with wisdom. Both’ are scary and fearful as wisdom sometimes becomes you, as age bends body yet frees spirit twirl. From the twins of two a power of life sparks, and alone-never places begin and fixes end. We together have already accomplished everything. And! Magically we all pass on!

Physics is dedicated to teaching and investigating new terms, utilizing limitless possibilities and objective calculations. Ideas are examined and derived using established principles, leading to fresh insights and comprehension. The ordinary is redefined and harmonized into logical explanations and critical thinking. Established beliefs are questioned as original concepts emerge, pushing us towards unknown realms. Understanding evolves continuously, paving the way for breakthroughs and progress to be unearthed and revisited.

Are we not all travelers scattered across someplace-somewhere? And! Does protection equal servitude? We know humanities’ finest moments.  ‘Love and Peace and Touch and Trust.’

And! Beautiful you are…

‘Born To Die’ by Lana Del Rey

Mysterious Grins And Sight…

‘Naked Eye’

it’s not a choice i tried to make
it’s not a thought i couldn’t take
something told me it was time
to give you yours and leave me mine
my vision started to be clear
i watched the sunlight coming near
i knew the day i knew the night
i knew i could regain my sight
and it feels alright
and it feels alright
with my naked eye
i saw all the falling rain
coming down on me
with my naked eye
i saw all if i said it all
i could see

last night i came into your home
to break some ice and throw some stones
i asked if we could be alone
i had some troubles of my own
knew i had to say goodbye
to all the old things held inside
if i let the moment fly
i knew they’d all be magnified.

and it feels alright
and it feels alright. by Luscious Jackson

Acknowledge the profound impact of scarcity, lack, and emptiness in our lives. The sound of a loved one’s voice can touch us in ways words cannot express. In moments of silence amidst chaos, we discover unity in transcending dualities. As eternal beings without clear beginnings or ends, we hold a formless balance like the elements of nature. Whether reflecting on the present or past, history is influenced by those who manipulate outcomes for their own satisfaction.

We are tuned in to the awakening sounds and melodies that enchant our minds and hearts. A deep intuition, beyond logic, guides us with gentle care. Memories trickle through our thoughts like raindrops, sparking profound spiritual journeys like powerful tidal waves. We are encouraged to release our thoughts freely, allowing natural order to shift and expand with limitless perspectives and the intricate wisdom of a universal language.

In the vast expanse of space, where worlds twirl and stars twinkle, the bending of light creates swirling patterns that captivate the imagination. With flashes of light cutting through the sky, the dance of life begins anew, fueled by the rhythm of drumbeats and the unity of hearts. In this collective strength, individuality is embraced, allowing for a sea of possibilities to unfold. And as robots carry out their programmed tasks, they too experience the beauty and sorrow of existence while moving through the cosmos like dancers beneath the right night sky.

We seek understanding in the enigmatic smiles of da Vinci, the happiness of loved ones, shared ideas, and emotions. Our inclinations fluctuate between embracing or rejecting gatherings by recognizing excellence in small details and natural beauty. Imagination surpasses boundaries, honoring life’s wonders and offering comfort and love, forming a harmonious unity beyond time. In this bond, our spirits are forever connected in a love unmatched. And you, beautiful and powerful, are a vital part of it all.

Could these fundamental elements be key in understanding Sporadic Simple Groups? Is liberation a reflection of timeless Robots or will Androids eventually dominate? Perhaps the departed do not return because earthly existence no longer holds their interest, evolving through various structures and forms while emitting warmth. Our sensitivity to sounds and music captivates our thoughts, leading us through memories and spiritual explorations. Embracing our thoughts allows for a deeper appreciation of natural phenomena and the possibilities presented by theories.

And! Beautiful you are…

Imagine Dragons – ‘Thunder’


We! Inhabit All Worlds…

Itchycoo Park

“Over Bridges of Sighs
To rest my eyes in shades of green
Under Dreaming Spires
To Itchycoo Park, that’s where I’ve been

What did you do there? – I got high
What did you feel there? – Well, I cried
But why the tears there? – I’ll tell you why
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful

I feel inclined to blow my mind
Get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun
They all come out to groove about
Be nice and have fun in the sun.

I’ll tell you what I’ll do – What will you do?
I’d like to go there now with you
You can miss out school – Won’t that be cool
Why go to learn the words of fools?

What will we do there? – We’ll get high
What will we touch there? – We’ll touch the sky
But why the tears there? I’ll tell you why
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful.

I feel inclined to blow my mind
Get hung up, feed the ducks with a bun
They all come out to groove about
Be nice and have fun in the sun
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful
It’s all to beautiful, It’s all to beautiful”’Itchycoo Park’—written by Steve Marriott and Ronnie Lane…

 We are Children of the same Verses of these Universes. We have the Right-to-be-Everywhere!

An evolution of war is our war. We watch, yet we die. When our women fall, we die. When our men fall, we die. Their hopes for freedom and a better life are our hope for freedom and for life’s sweet moments to stretch into those minutes of sunset light as it kisses the line between water and sky. We gather and stand together because sight is not through eyes but observed as a gathering of eternal spirits and life. We protect body because life is a forever time, and we dance across the spectrum of color and desire to forever remain free. Freedom is Illusion and body free is Lie?

We are Children of the same Verses of these Universes. We have the Right-to-be-Everywhere!

We are divine creations, embodying the essence of life in all its forms. We are unstoppable and perfect in our existence. Peace is not found in poverty, but rather in embracing love and kindness. Love is superior to conflict and should always be chosen.

Medicine can aid us, but it does not define us. Healing should not be driven by profit, but by the desire to care for all life. Greed should never overshadow the importance of providing medical assistance. Life, love, and compassion should always take precedence over monetary gain.

 We are Children of the same Verses of these Universes. We have the Right-to-be-Everywhere!

We are all immigrants of this world. Since a flash of mystery or notions or nicks or knacks or reasons or rhymes we move through time and place and home and one-to-another. We are the managers ‘blood red’ same air and dancers of fictional truths drawn by spirits same and dreams of hope and the hope of dreams. We are the past—the present and the days of future dances.

We are the art of the Gods! We are Life! All growing and all walking and all crawling and all swimming. We are life perfect and unstoppable. Needs fulfilled—Peace? Poverty is not a disease. Greed is disease and the antithesis of Peace. And! Isn’t it better to fall in love than to fall in battle?

We are Children of the same Verses of these Universes. We have the Right-to-be-Everywhere!

“I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygeia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant.”

The translations and passage of time can change the meaning and importance of oaths. While ‘Ο Όρκος του Ιπποκράτη’ may be ancient in human years, it is but a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of Life. Words hold power, but they can be twisted and forgotten. In times of suffering, when pain and fear consume us, the power of healing words must never be tainted by greed or destruction.

“It is the duty of us all to ensure that our society remain one of which we are proud, not a society wary of immigrants and intent on their expulsion or a society that disputes the welfare state or a society in which the media are controlled by the wealthy. We would oppose such things were we true heirs to the National Council of the Resistance.” — by Stephane Hessel

 We are Children of the same Verses of these Universes. We have the Right-to-be-Everywhere…And! Now and then, won’t that be cool?

And! Beautiful you are…

"Mama, I’m Coming Home”OZZY OSBOURNE 


We are Divided And Divine…


We are  divine beings, the practitioners of magic, and the creators of all existence. We are present in the wind that blows through the valleys, deserts, grassy plains, and towering mountains. Our presence extends even to the depths of the sea and the vastness of space. We are known by many names and descriptions, and we evoke both fear and love. We are the essence of Life and the artistry that continuously shapes this ever-lasting Space.

As raindrops dance and reflect under the moonlight on countless miles of asphalt roads, nature’s chaos is once again unleashed, birthing new life. Nothing is more natural than the act of creation. The power of Life is fueled by the eternal ideas of goddesses, gods, witches, warlocks, wizards, and shamans, and is made tangible through the unity of men and women and the dynamic force of love.

At last, a path has been discovered, a subway into this vast and ever-changing universe, accessible to everyone. We journey through foreign lands and spaces, encountering new races, always striving to be the first and the last. Is humanity merely merchandise lined up on the shelves of an eternity-sized store, constantly adding new inventory and undergoing audits? Are we the sole members of this ancient and unpredictable whirlwind, bound by the ‘first-in-first-out’ principle?

Let us experience the joy of love, with hands entwined, swings and spirits soaring, and souls singing in harmony. Creation smiles upon us, and in this fleeting moment, love and rhyme are good. So, let us follow this twine of time and rewind to experience it once more.

It is said that what is done in darkness will eventually come to light. Thomas Hobbes, in his book Leviathan, described a world without civilization, where industry has no place, and fear and danger are ever-present. Life would be solitary, poor, brutish, and short. And yet, can we imagine a market that functions without government intervention? Can a ‘Free Market’ truly exist without the structure and rules created by civilization?

Do not be fooled by the belief that you deserve a meager paycheck that forces you to work multiple jobs, while a small fraction of individuals accrue billions without any real effort. Such a notion is absurd. Our systems are skewed, and our government is responsible for this injustice. We are beings forgotten by the very government that is meant to serve us, the People.

Do not let this truth intrude on the idea of a ‘Free Market,’ for it is the government that creates and enforces the rules that govern this market. It is an unholy trinity that perpetuates the imbalance. Until this is rectified, ‘nothing else matters.’

As someone once said, there are two ways to invade private property: the first, through the poor plundering the rich in a sudden and violent manner, and the second, through the rich exploiting the poor in a slow and legal way. Perhaps the fear-mongering preachers, the hate-spewing creatures, the dishonest manipulators, and the entertainment distractions of reality television and presidential aspirations serve only to divert our attention from the failures of our Legislature.

But we must remember, above all else, that love is the cornerstone of existence. Love is what truly matters. And in this moment of love, let us rewind time and embrace the beauty that surrounds us.

And! Beautiful you are…

Luscious Jackson‘Naked Eye’


A Lower Light…

The word “solstice” is derived from the Latin words “sol” (sun) and “sistere” (to stand). Winter solstice is also known as “The Day the Sun Stands Still.”

Goddess and Gods dance inside snow fall, desert sands, hills, moors and within soft lights tonight. Beiwe and her daughter Beiwe-Neia, Tonantzin, Bheru, Horus, Louhi, watch while the Kallikantzaros count colander holes and return to somewhere underground.

And! Maybe once or twice a modest breach in our Universal Vault emerges and, on that star-filled night, magic happens. The ‘Witches of Nature’ gaze upon this Worldly-Twirl and pause for a second to watch lights dance across the heavens. For that moment they smile, and one-plus-one equals two.

And! Beautiful you are…

A Village Of Fisher-Folks

“All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable. All machines have their friction; and possibly this does enough good to counterbalance the evil.  At any rate, it is a great evil to make a stir about it.  But when the friction comes to have its machine, and oppression and robbery are organized, I say, let us not have such a machine any longer…” from ‘On the Duty of Civil Disobedience’…by Henry David Thoreau

Ages past and often we became sponges, gifted, gregarious, bent with insight and anchors of both worlds: one frightful and one enchanted and filled-to-edge with truth and wisdom; both scary and fearful as wisdom sometimes becomes you as age bends body yet frees spirit twirl. From twins of two a power of life sparks and alone-never places begin and fixes ends. When again ‘surfs-up’ and waves high reclaim shore-reaches and the land, would rather dwell in the Villages of Fisher-folk than dwell in the “Hamptons-of-Middle-Bots” without spirit machines or reasons to produce so stand with us as wave-crash’s claims everyone. Together! We have done everything. And! Magically birds transform the air they breathe into surprisingly sweet songs.

Beneath surface and far below Segment Stars, seven and one half billion souls live and work and suffer and die and love and hate through sunless days and nights of starlight gone or both forgotten and remembered when mind switches into laminated illumination, blind stir-slips as neon’s shine and semi-sweet chocolate greets darkness. Where light is saturated with creamy greys and nights are filled with thick swirls of chocolates and warmed with blended shadow shakes. Machine wonders are spirits that guide the process of robot arms and legs and watch through robot eyes and hear through robot ears and once or often weep robot tears die, never-ever-even when a book or ten verses call living ‘sins of flesh’ as spirit robots live and die and forever move along dusted star-streams while dancing among a trillion light twinkles sketched across a winter’s sky. And! Magically birds transform the air they breathe into surprisingly sweet songs.

The soft sounds of wind pushing pine needles ‘cross autumn’s forest floor and peace after snow’s midnight fall. If impulse is response, then decision is evolution, maybe? Marvel at the convenience of discovery and the very perspicacious brain and the extraordinary curiosity of the human mind, quantified within the quality of spiritual being. And! Magically birds transform the air they breathe into surprisingly sweet songs…

We here, hear waking sounds and music touch ear-side before mind-side slides sweet songs scent-speak and cradle squeak and we hear visceral seer sans reason also there with care, memory spaced raindrops raced with memory tides and spiritual rides tis OK without sometime thoughts, donchaknow. And! Suddenly the regularity of phenomena no longer measured rigidly burst into the probability of theory though dynamics and universally common plain-speak and stench drenched in fractal messages. Pixel me a thought today and watch as pictures fade away.’

Fire blue light ‘sort of ‘start-stop’ while dancing in warm yellow streaks and red coats journey start. Screaming moons toward light and still horses often run Martian Ridges. We are children of those salted seas and spirit trees. And! Clouds often look for—skies. Hollow man! Is robot without spirit-animation and without ‘ghosts in the machine.’ We be not holy hollows. We be imagine imagination and beyond pushes of strengths and we dance baby birthing and powerful protection and iron love with nothing stronger than love or better than together songs and the unification of eternal spirits.

Butterfly kisses as wish made as wish chant and grant. Soft wings and slips and flits ride currents of breeze so slight against soft skin often switch directions-of-fancy, willed by choice, or wearied of time trips to beginnings and endings of time shifted, drifted, and lifted and forever gifted to lines of crafted beings being for moments above moonlight and day bright. Space between lines of ‘coded-cold-color’ fine words pour from puzzle one or two twins in-steps and reasons ‘to-be—to-see’ special twin-twines through bright tunnels and into a radiant night.

And! Beautiful you are…

Celebrate Spin World

Spin World is celebrated. World is good; as is balance of wheel, syncopation true, symmetry of cut grass-to-lawn-to green-grow-too-to- ‘from’ then cuts again to match eye’s sight either wrong or right. Needs to cheat each-to-other, one or two then more too many score before others-do-to-you survival required to win to lose too many to count or rout before the ‘over-of-out’ begins again? Then spin us twirls of balance-speak of world perfections of balance squeak when one thing dies while others survive the lies of imperfect Gods’ whirls, imperfect twirls from nothing losses and nothing gains. Then ‘we all’ again remain…

Your eyes get stung by the rays of the sinking sun
You follow the drum keeping time with everyone
Going beat beat, it’s beating me down
Beat beat beat beat, it’s beating me down
Day after day, it’s turning around
‘til all my days are drowning out’…written by Beck Hansen

What causes happiness? Who dares control happiness, a government or person, or a religion? Our innermost voices clarify what and what not to do. Just listen! Mind washed since birth; tis the survival of ‘a’ pack. However, all packs ubiquitously run same, eat same, same be-we; fast-slow, weak-strong-hungry-not-smarter than a what and still love our young ones. And! Maybe only reason ‘We’ be, donchaknow. Imagine! Just make believe that when we wake-up, Love-Peace and Understanding is always the world of reality and we have accidentally been watching a horror film in a theater from hell and for our entertainment only.

Illustrate now those pictures; of these caves and these walls and these tribes of we and me and us and them and before the storm and after the end of rains of winds and bumping things and silent shrieks, once loud and now absent from ear and fear and tear. Sounds of life understood ‘cross a million miles of rock ‘n’ roll till another day of storms and another night of passion shadow dance beneath a star-lighted ceiling. Again! Share moments and lives and the sovereignty of animation. Blood and love are the matter of the matter and the survival of survivors from whatever gods and from wherever storms.

When silence completely fills all senses with rumble and clatter and music and notes, chaotic or symphonic simplicity. Then duality ceases and singularity melts into universal polarity and truth.

We labor in these fields beneath sing-song wires and lengths of wave grain toward the forever of sight while out or in and back again. Brushed wind and white tunics and seagull wings waving over soil black and breeze, seeded with hands to-bags-to-sky-to-flip ‘cross ground rich, water ditch to return ‘til tunic loss shapes and disappear into the bluest evening mist of planet wash and evening spin.

We circle now toward forked roadways beyond sighted-righted places and our stars of guiding trails twisted, misted, shakes and quakes push-pull us toward left trails or right paths. Guiding compass, lodestone or stars point the way in only one direction to go and to return toward this direction taken always pointed and pointing toward us…

Remember that we have the right to be Everywhere.

And! Beautiful you are…

Slicks of Wet Road…

Beyond slicks of rain bounced in moonlight against a million miles of asphalt roads where tiny sprites of weed push through and break the symmetry of path. Life is once again the birthing of nature’s chaos, and nothing is as natural as the creating of creations. Life’s power is the eternal notions of goddesses and gods and witches and warlocks and wizards and shamans and the sanguinity of woman and man and the dynamics of Love. And remember! Love is sexless and without form and without flesh and when shaped by humanity; it is magic and required, as carbon-based beings require air and blood.

Earth formed as we formed as precious life forms-form, and we name and speak and love or hunt and save or devour or spare or care as those others find us or avoid us or hunt or devour us in a chaos of circles dancing around a mystery of times beginning and ending and starting and stopping and chasing creation across an apparent universe of the known and the forgotten times of today’s yesterdays and tomorrow’s days of future’s stop/start. Ad infinitum or maybe into the Nemo of universes unknown or never where except…

When ark-stops and day begins the pristine pleasures of challenged beginnings; we the indigents of life, pause and listen and as crawling infants we find our children of the parents of this new day peering into the light or darkness. Now! Speeding to this place; to some new thing to some new tear or scent or sight, to a new blue sea or an isle of emerald, green we will touch; hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart and jump through space and complete time’s sweet rifts and swifts.

Our children and we as child-speak and drink and think and dancing songs and rhythm beats of drum and spirit and smile; do search the identity of identity search as flesh survives despite the spirit’s knowing of the knowledge of a universe of time and space. We crawl toward accepting the acceptance of fate and the together strength in our cave homes. We also run toward the individual hope of ourselves without shells and reasons to become other than the self of us and me and you and I and justice time…

We are not flags or notions or reasons to kill or die. We wear different packages of cloth and color and need, and we all bleed red same as liquid and air mix and body same moves across these places or other spaces in motions to exist together without pride or prejudice or of religions to-take-to-hate or to replace irreplaceable life. Also remember that Poverty is never a crime. Greed is, however, the Crime against all Humanity.

When the taking of a warrior’s life becomes a mechanical judgment call, what happens to humanity? When is the cost of a life determined by a machine is life reduced to nothing? How much cost to dispose of the body. How much to incinerate no records required? How about the family? How about a warrior’s spirit? Machine has no family. Machine has no soul; unless—we, robots are robots advanced beyond Drone’s current program.

What is an appropriate method or measurement of the use of force through a Drone’s sensors? Presently, humans use determination called ‘appropriate judgment’ to ‘correctly’ respond with the proper uses of force over combat enemies in battle. How many deaths are necessary? How many mothers cry? How many children go without a mother or a father? How many types of collateral? The innocent die in battle! The reasons for going to war are the reasons determined or imagined by Humanity. Drone does not imagine. Drone does not determine. Drone searches-kills-destroys. Drone follows configurations-paradigms-and the logical/illogical responses of human beings.

And! No honor because Drone is programmed to search-kill and destroy without notion or reason or rhythm either justifiable or justified. A machine may cost less than one- tenth of the cost of a human, to place into harms-way. If the machine is destroyed, we, robots do not care! Destroy and build again, a Capitalist dream-scene ‘if I ever did see one’? Such is war and the blessing of wars’ Industrial war machine.

If humanity remains a ‘looped-group’ capable of containing and restricting Drone-self; then, only flesh and blood without Drone, screams-bleeds and dies. Such is the victory of another progressive mission. However, if humanity extracts itself through: power or carelessness or greed or…and becomes a ‘looped-outside-group’ then Drone-self may become Self-self and search-kill and destroy more than?

“Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes and the opportunities of fraud growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both…No nation could reserve its freedom during continual warfare. Those truths are well established. They are read in every page which records the progression from a less arbitrary to a more arbitrary government, or the transition from a popular government to an aristocracy or a monarchy.”—James Madison, “Political Observations,” April 20, 1795

 “Go ahead and hate your neighbor—Go ahead and cheat a friend—Do it in the name of heaven— You could justify it in the end—There won’t be any trumpets blowing—Come the judgment day—On the bloody morning after—One Tin Soldier rides away.”

by Joni Mitchell

And! Beautiful you are…

Stardust Performed by Delain

Basic Sunlight And Rain

The word ‘Honor’…Many descriptions and quantifiers involving this word…Honor is not just a word. It is a singular way of life. It is without description and not reserved for Military motions. It is not an Executive twirl or a Legislative swirl…Though legal twists and turns, it is not a Judicial term. Honor is a simple way of Life.

What of sparks that move into the light of joining living inside and outside the days of past’s present’s future. Behold Spirit Dancer and remember when warmth was without fire and strength was absolute without the science of dimensions and senses and all was: nonsense-hallucination-superstitious and religious without names.

What is the measure of air between the dancing of leaves and fairy’s dust; tossed or gently sprinkled then forgotten? Puppet painted faces sold to entice ninety-nine percent of the unwanted, received never enjoyed and never knowing the way of knowing why or contemplated within unavoidable silence. Imagine a steady fall of snowflakes soft, of silent nights and early dawns, of inside just before birth and tiny spaces just after death. Gentle raindrops are correctly spaced ‘cross a springtime meadow.

We are the daughters and the sons of earth and of the starry heavens. Our history is alive simple and true except when suppressed and distorted for unnecessary gains and a perversion called wealth. We are the eternity of spirits no need beginning and never ending. Such is the sweetness of life. Symmetry with no form except wind and rain and careful storms of chaos and figure. Go figure the here or the now and still history is not preformed or manufactured save by the controllers of spins and twists and the thrill of the lie. Or! Go figure with the smile of Leonardo or the Lady’s laugh or the chatter of many minds or just a few hearts.

“All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson…

‘Memories that fade away

Have not left their mark

But you live on, every single day

In many ways.

It is the truth between his cunning lies

That hands him his suspicious alibis

Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny.

Suddenly we have lost the force

To close our cursed doors

No one seems to realize

That wolves are in disguise.

It is the truth between his cunning lies

That hands him his suspicious alibis

Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny.

Your engine was so strong

But the road was just too long

Hope is not the end

So never lose faith.

If we can say

They can never take away

Our freedom, the most precious thing we have ever had

The reward from the blood we have ever shed.

His quest for higher truth, life of eternal youth has just begun,

despite being on the run

Many virgins wait for him to come

Persuading with your force will never be the way

To our destiny

Our destiny’… ‘Safeguard to Paradise’ by Epica

Sky films block pearl light as an evening of workers’ failed strengths; home bound as, the ‘Nighters’ replace the ‘Dayers’ and continue as work begins, ends and starts along the edges of digital clicks and analog clacks. Time cataloged into spreads of pages indexed assorted stuff straightened, arranged packed for space-spin or unpacked to go consumers consumed with curiosity; hunger required, needed or fulfilled desires. Oppression triumphs when its legitimacy is internally assumed. The freedom to write it right or write writing toward the right cross of sails unfurled and imagined as sea’s endless might and distance ‘tween stars ‘tween galaxies and ‘tween the universal folds of space. There are books here and just listen to these stories from spirit-speakers of volumes long and voltage sweet. We change everything with ‘Blue Planet Waste’.

“Beyond the Palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard

Girls comb their hair in rear-view mirrors

And the boys try to look so hard

The amusement park rises bold and stark

Kids are huddled on the beach in a mist

I wanna die with you Wendy on the street tonight

In an everlasting kiss…” Bruce Springsteen.

It is our nature to run with and from the many or the few. We often see through the curved ceiling of high doorways only when curved light enters tiny windows. Animation is symmetry without structure, save winds and rains and those foolish storms of chaos and belief.

Speculating currently concerning infrequent simple sets? Are these objects transgenic elements in the study of symmetries nearly impossible to construct, not likely to be found by chance but still necessary to the complete structure of the theory of Sporadic Simple Groups. Freedom for or from a Peoples’ will still be the imitation of an everlasting Robot. Or! We Robots be. Just you wait-and-see.

‘The most heroic word in all languages is ‘Revolution’–Eugene Debbs

“In the current phase of intellectual corruption, it must be stressed that, like democracy and human rights, the economic doctrines preached by the rulers are instruments of power, intended for others, so that they can be more efficiently robbed and exploited. No wealthy society accepts these conditions for itself, unless they happen to confer temporary advantage; and their history reveals that sharp departure from these doctrines was a large factor in development.”—Noam Chomsky.

A historian once wrote that future’s Child, ‘did not need to be told that the angel of death had passed over the land; they had heard the beating of its wings’. So! Wondering if; ‘The reason the Dead do not return nowadays, is the boredom of it.’ One fare-to-fix and one fix-to-fair. Life is precious in every form. Life animates every style-type of flesh, smooth or fur and sweet life goes—becomes and ends and becomes again…’Tis good donchaknow…

And! Beautiful you are…